OmniEarth Partners With Ball Aerospace For 'Scientific Quality' Satellite Imaging
Data analytics and imaging company OmniEarth is partnering with Ball Aerospace on a planned constellation of 18 imaging satellites, which is set to be fully deployed by 2018.
The 18 satellites will be “about the size of a dishwasher,” OmniEarth CEO Lars Dyrud told me. “We’re focused on small, low-cost satellites. Something that wasn’t even conveivable 5 or 10 years ago.”
The past few years have seen a number of new satellite imaging companies like Planet Labs, which builds low-orbit, inexpensive satellites only about a foot long, begin to compete with older companies such as Digital Globe, which builds satellites that are larger and more expensive but also with more capabilities). OmniEarth’s planned satellites are something of a middle ground in both size.
One key thing that OmniEarth seeks to use to differentiate themselves is the quality of the planned instruments. That’s where Ball comes in. The company has manufactured imaging systems for a number of satellites in the past, most famously the Hubble Space Telescope. Recently they also produced the instruments NASA’s Landsat 8 satellite, which is used to image the Earth for a number of research projects.
Landslide in Washington as seen by Landsat-8. (Credit: NASA)
“The Landsat science community is giddy at the results they’re seeing from the latest Landsat instrument,” Ball’s Operational Space VP and General Manager Cary Ludtke told me. “It’s that much better than the last one. And this is really an unhappy group of scientists.”
Dyrud concurred with that sentiment. “We’re looking to leverage that scientific and commercial understanding of Landsat,” he told me.
The instrument on the OmniEarth satellites won’t be precisely the same as in Landsat-8, Ludtke told me. But the technology is “largely the same.”
“Lars and his guys have a need and requirement for scientific quality data to enable their success in the marketplace,” Ludtke continued. “Our experience on programs such as Landsat is directly applicable. We’ve spent many years developing those kinds of products and capabilities.”
In addition to the high quality of the instrumentation, the OmniEarth satellites will also fly in overlapping configurations, meaning that at a single point in time, the constellation can take satellite photos nearly 200 km wide. This will enable interested parties to track significant changes on the surface on the order of days.
That means, for example, that agricultural companies can keep a close eye on the progress of farming over a season. Or cities in the middle of a drought could better manage water use. Whatever data can be provided, OmniEarth aims to create an information product about it for their customers.
“We’re not a satellite company,” emphasized Dryud. “We’re an information company.”