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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Hacking windows with batch programs

Hacking windows with batch programs



Picture of Hacking windows with batch programs
Basicly this instructible will teach you how to hack windows computers using the cammand prompt and batch programs.


Step 1: Ping

Picture of Ping
Ping is a default program in Windows that can be used to ascertain whether your intended target is online or not. The following script uses the ping command tho u could just use the ping command in cmd. It would allow more control over the pinging.

@echo off
Title Pinger
Color a
set /p t=Target IP Adress:
Ping %t%

This code is typed up in notepad or some other text editor. it is then saved with the file extension .bat

Step 2: Telnet

Picture of Telnet
@echo off
color a
title Telnet
set /p ip=Target IP:
set /p prt=Port (default: port 23):
set yn=
set /p yn=Establish a connection (y/n):
if %yn%==y goto tel
if %yn%==Y goto tel
if %yn%==n goto start
if %yn%==N goto start
telnet %ip% %prt%
goto start

Type this into Notepad,change file type to All Files, and save as "Telnet.bat".

used properly telnet can can allow direct access to a computers hard drive. once you learn how to use telnet you can use it to delete and copy files to and from your target computer. telnet hacking is a science all its own. learning everything you can do with telnet takes time but it's worth it. as with everything else you could probably find a tutorial on telnet use on the interwebs. to learn its basic commands you could type "telnet /?".


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